Saturday, January 30, 2016

A Relationship of Lies

How can anyone have an untruthful relationship? How can a couple or even a friendship last when it is being held together with lies? Lying does no good for anything in a relationship. When you meet someone, you fall in love with who the person is but if those qualities are not the honest truth, then you have fallen in love with a made up person. Relationships today are full of lies and deceit rather than honesty and loyalty. The lies cover up insecurities and past regrets. Lies are becoming more natural for everyone to say which makes them even more believable in the end. Whether it is a small little lie or a lie that is so far from the  truth, any type of lie is disrespectful to one's partner. When you are in a relationship, you learn to trust your partner and believe everything that they say, but this could backfire in a heartbeat. By giving all your time and effort to someone who does not even have the ability to be honest with you, you are lying to yourself as well. You have to convince yourself every single day that they are honest. You have to convince yourself that they are who they say they are. You have to convince yourself to be in love with a completely different personality. A relationship full of lies is one that is not in favor to last a lifetime, but one could learn a good lesson from it.

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