Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Historically Full of Lies

As young students, we grow up trusting academic books and our teachers. We trust that whoever wrote our books was accurate. We trust our ancestors and their experiences. But what if trusting them is a bad idea? What if everything that we have ever been taught about history is a lie? We have no true proof of anything. History is mostly taking people's word for situations that happened. We do not know the true effects of historical events. Someone could have made every aspect of history up and today, we would not know the difference because that part of history has been pounded into our heads so much that it seems so realistic. As students, we could be in a trance of manipulation. History could be a giant mystery.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Deceptive Spouses

In the late 1980's to the early 1990's, marriage was a blessing to a wide number of the population. Although some marriages did not work out, most did and they were faithful relationships. Today, deception is a leading cause of divorce. The act of being unfaithful towards someone is deception. Deception towards a spouse is disrespectful in many ways. If you can't find it in yourself to be honest with your significant other, then you do not deserve to be in a relationship with someone who is giving you all of their time to make the relationship work. Deception can be good and bad. If someone cheats, it is most likely due to the fact that they are not happy in their current relationship. This could potentially be good and bad. This could be good because it could stop the spouse from getting hurt down the road as the relationship gets more serious. This could be bad as well because deception means cheating. Cheating is  highly frowned upon by many people of society, including myself. I despise people who cheat or even consider cheating and that is why I feel so strongly about lying and deception towards a spouse. If you can't find it in yourself to be kind and honest to your significant other, then you do not deserve that human being to be in your life in any way, shape, or form.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Unsupported Liars

Lying is known to cause people to cut the liar off. Many people do not choose to be associated with liars. If someone can't be truthful to you, then why is it necessary to have them in your life? Why does it become a life essential to keep people in our lives when they can't even be honest and truthful? Today, lies attract people. We lie in order to make ourselves seem cool or personally more attractive to other people. We lie to be accepted, but when people notice our lies, we are quick to deny it. We deny lying. We deny giving out false information. We do all of this in order to keep our standards and lives on track with the right people. When our lies are found out, we loose friends. We loose people because they don't support our decisions.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lying in Circles

Some people think that one lie can end everything, but have you ever noticed that one lie eventually leads to another lie? This idea is essential and highly realistic. When a person lies about something, they end up having to lie many more times to cover such lie. As a person gets into the routine of lying on a regular basis, they begin to not be able to negotiate between what is true and what is false or made up. The lies begin to flow out of their mouth as if they actually happened. The lies begin to be more believable and trustworthy because the liar begins to relate them to their life more and make them realistic. A liar that lives on lies is who this person becomes. They begin to rely on lies to get their point across and get them through their day. They rely on lies to conform their actions and make them seem more interesting. One lie eventually leads to another and the cycle continues. In return, one lie is never enough. A circle of lies inhibits everyone.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Beneficial Lying

Have you ever told a lie that ended up being beneficial? Some lies are created and told in order to protect someone and it ends up being a positive thing. Although lying is never seen as a good aspect of life, protective lies can end up being good. Protective lies can be not telling someone a secret just because you know it will hurt them or something more complex. These lies are absolutely and completely planned. They are created by the liar during a stage of confusion. The liar does not know if they should tell the person and risk their relationship and hurt them or keep it to themselves to save a lot of heartache and pain. Usually in this predicament, the liar chooses to hide it. They choose the easy way out and most times, it works, but other times it does not. Sometimes, the person being lied to finds out about this little lie and the situation gets much more difficult. The person that got lied to is very angry that the liar kept something from them. They are frustrated that the liar would do such a thing to them. But most of all, the person feels betrayed. In the end, some lies can be beneficial, but there is a lot of risk that goes along with lies that are created to protect someone.

Saturday, February 20, 2016


Have you ever been "catfished"? Catfishing is a new trend that is happening in society today. This act is a simple way for someone to hide behind a computer screen and lie about who they are, what they like, and many other important characteristics. People create fake profiles online and on dating sites and impersonate someone that they do not even know. The cause of this has many reasons. One reason would be due to the idea that they are scared to tell the truth and are self conscious of themselves. Another reason would be because they have situations that they feel insecure about and do not want people to know about that. These people are monsters. They lead others to believe that they are someone that they aren't and that creates a wall of fake trust. The so called "catfishers" hide. They never want to meet the person that they are having a secret relationship with. They hide behind a computer screen and lie about every aspect of their life in order to feel better about themselves when at the end of the day, they are hurting the other person and causing a lot of emotions to build up that could eventually shatter in the blink of an eye. "Catfishers" are disrespectful to themselves and to the person that they are having a relationship with. They lie about everything and manipulate their partner in every way possible.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Pinocchio Effect

What if liars were easily noticeable? What if they had to wear something certain or act a specific way if they were living with a lie? Or what if they had a distinct feature to themselves like Pinocchio did? The world would truly be a better place. Everyone could spot a liar. And the liars would be ashamed because they are known. Liars would be put on the spot. Everyone would want to know why they lied and what they lied about. The exposure of liars could possibly create a stereotype suggesting that certain groups of people lie. If the exposure of being a liar is cruel towards someone and they feel ashamed and betrayed, maybe that feeling would influence them to lie less or even not lie at all. By having the ability to recognize a liar, people could know that someone is lying the second that it happens. Exposing liars could be a hazardous thing but could also be very beneficial to society.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Stereotypical Lying

Lying is a factor that is mostly influenced by past exposure to such lies. A very common lie that most people are exposed to is stereotypes. Stereotypes are created because people want to hide cultural lies. They want to hide the fact that societal situations are causing segregation and racism to arise again. Homosexuals, Jews, feminism, racism, sexism, and many other topics are all factors of stereotype. Society is conformed to the idea that these groups are threatening or unacceptable due to the past. Today's older generation did not grow up experiencing homosexuality and feminism on the scale that we do today. Through this process of being excluded from the societal norm that we deal with today, a lot of lying comes to play. We judge woman as being weak an powerless. We judge homosexuals and accuse them of sin and tell them that they are going to hell. This is all because we were raised being lied to. We were raised being taught they this is how we should view people of certain characteristics and that through time, the group can only get worse.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Presidential Liars

In the past, lying has always been seen as something that lower status people do. Today, everyone does it: famous people, average people, media, and even the government. The government has turned itself into a lie factory. They feed American's lies that we do not know any different than to believe. They lie to us about war. They lie to us about debt. They lie to us about terrorism. Every aspect of society that we should be informed about, is a lie. The government has every right to not publically advertise certain things, but there are also important things that we, as American's, should know. We should be informed whether or not our safety will be harmed. We should be informed when the government and economy is going to crash. American's should be told specific things. Most of the ideas that the government does not share with us are ideas that could potentially harm the president and people in office. They hurt us in order to protect themselves. We live in this country with freedom. We earned our rights and the government should not be keeping our rights from us.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Lying Process

Have you ever randomly blurted out a lie? Have you ever lied without giving it prior thought? Most likely, you have not. Lying is not an act that someone can just participate in. Lying requires thought and effort. Every lie that someone produces, is a result of something that they regret or something that they wish to cover up. Lies can be totally off topic or they can be a tiny white lie. All lies have a thought out process whether the liar believes it or not. A liar thinks about their lie and knows the consequences even if they only think about them for a split second. A liar knows that nothing good can come out of a lie before they even consider the idea of lying. Aside from all the negative aspects that could come from a lie being told, the person still chooses to engage in the action. They still choose to lie and end up hating the outcome. Lying is not an involuntary action. Lying is something that everyone can control and prevent. If people would simply just limit the amount that they lie, the world would be a better place. If people could completely stop lying in general, the world would advance and be so much more honest and less cruel. Lying is an act of regret, but can be prevented in many ways.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

A Relationship of Lies

How can anyone have an untruthful relationship? How can a couple or even a friendship last when it is being held together with lies? Lying does no good for anything in a relationship. When you meet someone, you fall in love with who the person is but if those qualities are not the honest truth, then you have fallen in love with a made up person. Relationships today are full of lies and deceit rather than honesty and loyalty. The lies cover up insecurities and past regrets. Lies are becoming more natural for everyone to say which makes them even more believable in the end. Whether it is a small little lie or a lie that is so far from the  truth, any type of lie is disrespectful to one's partner. When you are in a relationship, you learn to trust your partner and believe everything that they say, but this could backfire in a heartbeat. By giving all your time and effort to someone who does not even have the ability to be honest with you, you are lying to yourself as well. You have to convince yourself every single day that they are honest. You have to convince yourself that they are who they say they are. You have to convince yourself to be in love with a completely different personality. A relationship full of lies is one that is not in favor to last a lifetime, but one could learn a good lesson from it.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Growing Up Dressed In Lies

As Americans, we all grow up being told that lying is a wrong. We grow up being frowned upon for little white lies and anything short of the truth. From day one, children are expected to tell the truth, when in reality, their surroundings are doing nothing but lying to them. The safe atmosphere is a lie. The childhood traditions, such as the Easter Bunny, Santa, and the Tooth Fairy, are a lie. The acceptance of certain behaviors became an even bigger lie. As a child grows, the reality of lies pile on like layers of clothing that slowly begin to hold them back from daily tasks and activities. The child slowly falls into a trap of lies. They begin lying about not lying and get into the habit of relying on such lies to get them by in life and to be accepted by society. In Jeff Hancock's TED Talk entitled "The Future of Lying", Hancock addresses the fact that humans lie multiple times a day. The reality of this is that lying is becoming more and more of a ritual rather than a mistake. The average citizen lies without realizing it. The lies flow with the truth until there is no distinct difference. Children are told not to lie during a period in time when they witness a lie every single day of their life. Children are raised not to lie, but grow up in the habit of lying. It is reverse psychology. The child slowly grows up being exposed to lies and eventually becomes an adult that is the liar in the situation. Children are innocent and highly truthful and eventually, they turn to the complete opposite when they hit adulthood. Children wake up every morning, brush their teeth, and dress themselves in layers of lies for the day.